

Transform Ideas Through Science

With an unparalleled knowledge base and a truly unique collaborative process, NuChem propels the dream of a potential breakthrough into a workable reality.


in vitro Biology


in vivo Pharmacology

Integrated Services


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At NuChem Sciences, we come together each day to help advance drug discovery and improve lives. Come and make all the difference by harnessing your talent to serve human health.


Kudos to Repare Therapeutics!

February 16, 2024

We commend Repare Therapeutics for their groundbreaking work on Camonsertib, an innovative step forward in cancer treatment. We’re proud to have contributed to this significant scientific effort, reflecting our dedication to advancing healthcare through fruitful collaborations. This achievement underscores the power of partnership in driving scientific breakthroughs. Kudos to our many scientists involved in this project.


NuChem Sciences Tops the Quebec SME Ranking in Les Affaires Newspaper

November 24, 2023

NuChem Sciences is pleased to announce that it has achieved first place in the 2023 Quebec SME ranking, tied with other Quebec-based companies. The ranking by Les Affaires newspaper highlights NuChem Sciences’ undisputed leadership in pharmaceutical research.


Blending the Best of Two Worlds

An Interview with Dr. Yuniel Fernandez Marrero

In the heart of Sygnature Discovery’s vibrant research facility in Montreal, Dr. Yuniel Fernandez Marrero stands as a beacon of innovation and dedication.


Nuchem Sciences offers a collaborative engagement at every stage of the discovery process

Hit Finding

This is the genesis of the discovery path… the stage that starts it all. The seed for new proprietary chemical matter, from which great potential value is created.

Hit to Lead

Transformation of top initial hits to actual value as early lead compounds and enable all stakeholders to nominate to Lead Optimization and reach the next level.

Lead Optimization

An all-hands-on-deck effort with the desired profile of the development candidate in sight. Careful selection of the right series to push forward with potential backup compounds identified.

Chemical Development

Making it real: Enabling the chemistry to generate the material needed for key studies to convert a development candidate into a clinical compound.


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