Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Oak Ridge,  TN 
United States
  • Booth: 213

ORNL is home to Frontier, the world's most powerful (and first exascale) supercomputer. Frontier is uniquely architected to facilitate AI applications across a range of science domains, from materials to fission and fusion energy to climate change. The laboratory is also home to the AI Initiative, which is dedicated to ensuring secure, trustworthy, and energy efficient AI in the service of scientific research and national security. Through this internal research investment, subject matter experts at ORNL leverage the laboratory’s computing infrastructure and software capabilities to expedite times to solution and realize the potential of AI in projects of national and international importance. The Initiative also hosts ORNL's newly launched Center for Artificial Intelligence Security Research, or CAISER. With a particular focus on cyber, biometrics, geospatial analysis, and nonproliferation, CAISER will analyze vulnerabilities, threats, and risks related to the security and misuse of AI tools in national security domains.

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Who we are
Oak Ridge National Laboratory delivers scientific discoveries and technical breakthroughs needed to realize solutions in energy and national security and provide economic benefit to the nation. We address national needs through impactful research and world-leading research centers. Our wide range of partnerships with other US Department of Energy laboratories and programs, universities, and industry allows us to pair our strengths with others for outstanding contributions to science.