
United States
  • Booth: 1145

Saffron cultivation has increased significantly in the last twenty years, primarily because Afghan farmers, especially women, have substituted the cultivation of opium with saffron. This switch has generated a new perspective and potential for new business opportunities. The Afghanistan Competitiveness of Export Oriented Business Activity (ACEBA) program focusses on improving the performance and value saffron provides in the goods and services market. The Afghan Zafaran Consortium is the flagship economic growth project within the ACEBA program. Agencies such as USAID, which provide support to saffron farmers and processors, help to develop new business opportunities that will help their communities thrive. ACEBA provided grants in western and northern Afghanistan; to date, 2,777 farmers have received cash assistance. These grants also created full-time employment opportunities for 124 individuals (46% women) and almost 4,000 seasonal processing jobs (95% women). We are proud to be part of this fabulous program and excited to introduce to you two of the amazing products that this program helped launch - Marecibum Superior Afghan Saffron Threads and Zafaran Nektar. Marecibum Superior Afghan Saffron is rated as a “Superior Category” saffron because it has high ratio for units of color (u/c) and is 70% more powerful than others currently available in the general US Foodservice market. Afghan Saffron is characterized by an intense and complex aroma, perhaps its most distinguishing characteristic. We follow a very traditional method of harvesting the Afghan Saffron. Our crop control program ensures that the Marecibum Superior Afghan Saffron distributed under the Zafaran Consortium’s brand is free from contamination by pathogens, pesticides, and heavy metals. Often the biggest hurdle when using Saffron is the difficulty of its preparation requirements. We are proud to introduce Zafaran Nektar; this product offers a new, exciting, and simple way to incorporate the amazing color, aroma, and taste of saffron into your cooking. It’s as simple as mixing into your recipe as you would any ground spice. The stability and consistency of Zafaran Nektar when mixed with liquid makes it an ideal substitute for traditional saffron usage; from soups and sauces to baked preparations, the possibilities are endless.


  • Superior Afghan Saffron

  • Zafaran Nektar

  • Superior Afghan Saffron
    The stability and consistency of Zafara Nektar makes an ideal substidute for tradional saffron threads without giving up the color, aroma, or taste of saffron - see &taste @ #1145...