Flexible Software Automation for Dynamic DOCSIS Delivery

  • Room: 118A
Wednesday, September 21, 2022: 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM EDT


Marissa Eppes
Data Scientist
Doug Jones
Principal Architect
Pawel Sowinski
VP Technical Excellence
Falcon V Systems


Join moderator Doug Jones, of CableLabs, for a session exploring the flexible software automation driving dynamic DOCSIS delivery, growing both Flexible MAC Architecture and Distributed Access Architecture. Comcast’s Marissa Eppes dives into scaling DAA, using automated network health checks for the virtual cable modem termination system platform to determine the state of the network before and after software rollouts. Then hear Falcon V Systems’ Pawel Sowinski provide a ‘how to’ on harnessing the power of YANG templates to automate configuration tasks in FMA. Sharing real-life examples of the benefits with YANG config models developed by CableLabs for the FMA, Sowinski outlines a framework that starts with the abstraction of repeatable patterns from the standardized YANG configuration models, and the creation of YANG templates corresponding to the identified patterns.

Super Tracks:

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For Exhibit questions, please contact:  Eileen Sload, esload@scte.org

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Partner Relations Manager 

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Associate, Partner Development 

Jerry Lundwall 