10X Genomics 729
37th ECNP Congress — Neuroscience Applied 3424
3Brain AG 1832
3i - Intelligent Imaging Innovations 2614
AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellowships 2315
AAVnerGene 1909
Abberior Instruments America 3022
abcam 2122
Abcepta 702
ACROBiosystems 2028
Actuated Medical, Inc. 2931
AD Knowledge Portal & MODEL-AD 3313
Addgene 3422
Addiction Biobank 3212
ADInstruments 1300
AdipoGen Life Sciences 423
Advanced Targeting Systems 723
Agilent Technologies 1601
AI4R 1931
AIM Biotech 712
Air Force Research Laboratory 3330
ALA Scientific Instruments, Inc. 2236
Alleima Advanced Materials 1912
Allen Institute 901
Alpha MED Scientific 1737
Alpha Omega USA 2936
Alzheimer's Association 3209
A-M Systems 1937
American Physiological Society 3426
Amplitude 2822
Amuza Inc 2301
Anatomic Incorporated 2527
Andor Technology 2215 Upgraded
Animal Identification & Marking Systems, Inc. 2819
ANS Biotech SA 2335
ANT Neuro North America 703
Antibodies Incorporated 600
Applied StemCell 510
Aptamer Group 2325
ASI/Applied Scientific Instrumentation Inc. 1201
Atik Cameras 1215
ATLAS Neuroengineering 3119
Atuka Inc. 739
AUM BioTech, LLC. 1036
Aurora Scientific 1637
AutoMate Scientific 1737
Aves Labs 600
Axion BioSystems 922
Azure Biosystems 802
Backyard Brains, Inc. 736
Battelle 3309
Beijing Yeeran Technology Co.,Ltd 2831
Bentham Science Publishers, Ltd. 1714
BESA 2429
Binaree, Inc. 2304
Bio Reseach Center Co., Ltd. 2305
Bio Serv 1119
Bio X Cell 1102
Biocompare 2722
Biocytogen 637
BioIVT 1004
Bioneer A/S 1131
BIOPAC Systems, Inc. 2034
BioPro Scientific 904
BIOSEB 838, 839
Biosensis Pty, Ltd. 239
Bio-Signal Technologies 2731
BioSpyder 831
Bioss Inc 2909
Bio-Techne 2014
Biotechniques 836
Biotrial 422
bit.bio 2001
Bitbrain 1230
Blackbox 3029
Blackrock Neurotech 2437
Bliq Photonics 2227
Bonsai Foundation 3032
Boster Bio 2104
Brain Architecture Project 3107
Brain Image Library 3527
Brain Products and Brain Vision 2423
Brainbox Ltd 235
BrainVTA 1436
BrainXell 1039
Bruker 2823 Upgraded
Cambridge Electronic Design Ltd 1439
Cambridge NeuroTech 3039
Cambridge Phenotyping 233
Cambrya, LLC 2035
Campden Instruments 1637
Canadian Association for Neuroscience 3303
Carl Zeiss Microscopy, LLC 1323
Case Western Reserve University 2915
Cayman Chemical Company 3024
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center 3109
Cell Microsystems 1213
Cell Signaling Technology 1800
Cellbox Solutions 1127
Cellevate 325
CelVivo Inc 1935
Cephla 2910
Changchun New Industries Optoelectronics Tech. Co., Ltd. 2010
Charles River 1717 Upgraded
Chroma Technology 1711
Class 5 Photonics 3112
clear_pixel VR 2311
Codex BioSolutions Inc 2410
Coherent 2623
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Meetings & Courses Program 3531
Columbia University Press 3219
Columbus Instruments 523
Community for Rigor (C4R) 3113
Compumedics Neuroscan 539
Concept Life Sciences Limited 2504
Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs 3525
Consortium for Public Outreach on Animal Research 3423
CoolLED Ltd 2619
CorTec GmbH 2337
Cortech Solutions, Inc. 3011
cortEXplore 2533
CrestOptics SpA 2815
Curio Bioscience 2109
Cyagen Biosciences 1113
Cytocybernetics 938
Danish Neuroscience Center 3325
Data Sciences International (DSI) 1509
DataJoint 3236
David Kopf Instruments 1415
Deuteron Technologies Ltd 3136
Diagnostic Biochips 2636
Diagnosys LLC 929
Diatome US 2004
Digitimer North America 2105
Distributed Archives for Neurophysiology Data Integration (DANDI) 3316
Doric Lenses Inc 336
DURECT Corp. 1617
Dyets Inc. 916
Easycap GmbH 2528
Electron Microscopy Sciences 2000
elements srl 1929
eLife 3431
Elixirgen Scientific 238
Ella Maru Studio, Inc 3014
EnCor Biotechnology Inc. 139
Endocrine Society 3030
Enzo Life Sciences 1536
EpigenDx Inc 1805
EpigenTek Group Inc. 339
European Bank for iPSCs 3214
Evident Scientific 2123 Upgraded
Evolocus 2938
Excelitas Technologies Corp. 1716
Faculty for Undergraduate Neuroscience 3334
FD NeuroTechnologies, Inc. 2137
Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology 3300
Femtonics 2635
FENS - The Federation of European Neuroscience Societies 3231
FHC, Inc. 1837
Fine Science Tools 1503
Fluxion Biosciences 1211
Flywheel 2431
Focus Biomolecules 2836
Focused Ultrasound Foundation 3125
Foundation for Biomedical Research 3427
FreeMoCap Foundation 2933
FuGENE Transfection 625
FUJIFILM Cellular Dynamics, Inc. 716
FUJIFILM Wako Chemicals USA 713
Funakoshi Co.,Ltd. 100
g.tec medical engineering GmbH 1438
GemPharmatech 1602
GeneCopoeia, Inc. 1831
GeneTex 2436
GenScript USA Inc 2008
Graymatter Research 2837
Greentek Pty. Ltd 2428
Gubra A/S 2828
Hamamatsu Corporation 1923
Hamilton Company 801
Harvard Bioscience Inc 1509
HEAL K12 University of Michigan Chronic Pain & Fatigue Research Center 3105
Hello Bio 538 Upgraded
Hilltop Lab Animals, Inc 1901
HistoWiz 2809
Huabio Research 1028
Huron Digital Pathology 405
IDARS 3302
ImmunoChemistry Technologies 600
INCF 3323
InnoSer 438
Inotiv 2517
Inper 2830
Inpixon 118
Inscopix, Inc. 2823
Instech Laboratories, Inc. 1112
International Association for the Study of Pain 2804
International Brain Bee 3326
International Brain Research Organization - IBRO 3223
International Society for Neurochemistry 3117
ION Biosciences 2510
IonLab 3205
iProcess Global Research Inc 2930
IVIM Technology 2400
iXCells Biotechnologies 1136
Jackson ImmunoResearch Laboratories, Inc. 1607
Jali Medical, Inc. 1031
Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs 3304
Karger Publishers 1712
Karthala System 116
Kent Scientific Corporation 1731
KEYENCE Corporation of America 2624
Kinarm 2737
Kinder Scientific Company 2202
Kinetic Systems, Inc. 3104
Labcon 919
LABmaker GmBH 638
LabX Media Group 3139
Lafayette Instrument 1637
Laxco Inc. 1110
LC Sciences 2113
Leica Microsystems 1723
Lieber Institute for Brain Development 3429
LifeCanvas Technologies 3023
Light Conversion 1706
Lohmann Research Equipment 1125
Luigs & Neumann GmbH 822
Lumencor, Inc. 2103
Lunaphore Technologies 124
Magstim EGI 222
MagVenture 2713
MAPseq/BARseq Core Facility, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 3332
Marine Biological Laboratory 3524
MathWorks 3013
Max Planck Florida Institute for Neuroscience 3428
MaxWell Biosystems 900
MBF Bioscience 1537
mBrainTrain I mbt 2426
MDPI 503
Meadowlark Optics 1604
Med Associates Inc 2937
Medical Rehabilitation Research Resource (MR3) Network 3129
Meso Scale Discovery 1129
Metabolon 2402
Metris B.V. 400
MicroData Instrument 2703
Microprobes for Life Science, Inc 2336
Mightex 2736
MilliporeSigma 1023
Miltenyi Biotec 923
MIT Press 732
MKS Instruments 2917
Modendo Inc. 2627
Molecular Devices 512
Molecular Instruments 413
Moor Instruments 2908
MOSS Inc 323
Motic Digital Pathology 1130
Mouse Specifics Inc 2329
Multi Channel Systems (MCS) 1509
NAN Instruments LTD 2729
Nanion Technologies 2525
NanoCellect Biomedical, Inc. 725
NanoEnTek, Inc. 2404
Nanostring 2617
NanoSystem Co., Ltd. 2530
Narishige 1538
National ALS Biorepository 3517
National Center of Neuromodulation for Rehabilitation (NC NM4R) 3131
National Institutes of Health 3401, 3402, 3411
National Network of Cryo-Electron Tomography 3111
National Neurotrauma Society 3137
National Primate Research Centers 3425
National Science Foundation 3435
Navitar 1205
Ncardia 2716
NDRI 3523
NEALS 3213
NeoBiosystems, Inc 1437
NeuCyte, Inc 1802
NeuraLynx, inc. an FHC Company 1837
NeuroCatch Inc. 1034
neuroConn - neurocare group AG 137
Neuroelectrics 939
NeuroLux 217
NeuroNexus 2724
Neuropixels 3233
Neuroscience Academy Denmark 3328
NeuroScience Associates, Inc. 1314 Upgraded
Neuroscience in France 3526
Neuroscience in Germany 3337
Neuroscience Information Framework 3417
Neuroscience Multi-Omic (NeMO) Archive 3310
Neuroscience Tools 1011
Neuroservices-Alliance 2422
NeuroSolutions Ltd. 2310
Neurostar 2338
Neurotar 2838
Neurotech Micro-credential Program 3306
New Scale Technologies 3222
Newport/ An MKS Brand 2917
NextGen Precision Health 3230
NIH Environmental influences on Child Health Outcomes Program 3215
Nikon Instruments Inc. 2801 Upgraded
NIRx Medizintechnik GmbH 3016
NKT Photonics Inc 3110
Noldus Information Technology 1223
npi electronic GmbH 2238
OE-Bio 501
Olink Proteomics 2005
Omnitech Electronics, Inc. 1701
ONI 1016
Open Ephys 3038
OriGene Technologies Inc. 1229
OriginLab Corporation 2502
Osela Inc. 2810
Oxford University Press 504
P3Lab 2512
Panlab 1509
Parkinson's Foundation 3239
Parse Biosciences 730
Partek 1212
PeproTech, part of Thermo Fisher Scientific 1226
PeptiGrowth 2414
Perimed Inc. 1615
Phasefocus 2515
PhenoSys 2237
Phi Optics 1337
Phoenix Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 1930
PhosphoSolutions 602
Physitemp Instruments, LLC 918
Pinnacle Technology 2134
Plexon Inc 1836
Polymer Implantable Electrode Foundry 3224
Porsolt SAS 618
Precisionary Instruments 2718
Primed Shines 1910
Princeton University Press 1809
Prior Scientific 2418
Prisys Biotechnologies Co., Ltd. 1903
Prizmatix 3238
Promega Corporation 1138
Prospective Instruments LK OG 639
Proteintech 1705
PsychoGenics Inc. 2201
Psychology Software Tools 2523
Quanterix 3123
QuantumSi 322
QuidelOrtho 319
Ramona 705
RayBiotech 2705
ReadCube 2513
Refeyn Inc. 1210
Revvity 424
Rewire AI 3101
Ripple Neuro Ventures 1135
Robert Packard Center for ALS Research at Johns Hopkins 3211
Roboz Surgical Instrument Co. 1310
Rockefeller University Press 522
Rockland Immunochemicals, Inc. 1710
Rogue Research Inc 130
RPMC Lasers, Inc. 2204
RWD Life Science 2611
Sable Systems International, Inc. 817
San Diego Instruments, Inc 2139
SB Drug Discovery 930
Scale Biosciences 827
Science Cream 2208
Science/AAAS 2317
ScienCell Research Laboratories, Inc. 812
Scientifica 2023
Scientist.com 2210
SciMeasure 2839
Scintica 2403
Selvita 318
Sensapex Inc. 1813
Shanghai Model Organisms Center (USA) 2511
Signal Solutions, LLC 122
Sino Biological 1811
Siskiyou Corp 1905
Smit-Lab 2531
Society for Neuroscience 1303, 1304 Upgraded
Somni Scientific 3102
Sony Semiconductor Solutions Corporation 437
Sophion Bioscience A/S 1018
Soterix Medical 416
SPARC 3516
Spectra-Physics/ An MKS Brand 2917
SPIE - The Intl. Society for Optics and Photonics 3530
Spike Neuro 2334
SpikeGadgets 3034
Springer Nature 1217
SR Research Ltd 601
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital 3519
Standard BioTools 917
Stanford University Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute 3201
STEMCELL Technologies Inc. 1902
Stoelting 1233, 1238, 1339
STOmics Americas 1115
StressMarq Biosciences 823
Sutter Instrument 3200
Suven Life Sciences Limited 2211
Swartz Center for Computational Neuroscience, UCSD 3103
syGlass, Inc 2416
Sygnature Discovery 932
SynapCell SAS 2331
Synaptic Systems 1807
Syncell Inc. 3003
Taconic Biosciences 737
Targeted Bioscience 2107
Targetmol Chemicals Inc 1003
Ted Pella, Inc. 1911
Teledyne 2914
TestDiet 700
The Brain Donor Project 3311
The Canadian Neurophotonics Platform 3308
The Grass Foundation 3522
The Jackson Laboratory 1101
The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research 3312
The Virtual Brain 3322
Thermo Fisher Scientific 1222
Thomas RECORDING GmbH 1123
Thorlabs 2501
TMC 2223
Tobii 1228
Tomocube 2802
TOPTICA Photonics 2723
Trailhead Biosystems 2313
Transcend Vivoscope 1611
Translucence Biosystems 1037
Transnetyx 622
Transpharmation Ltd 623
Tribioscience, Inc 2030
TSE Systems 223
Tucker-Davis Technologies 1433
Tucsen Photonics Co., Ltd. 3008
Turner Scientific, LLC 517
UCI Center for Neural Circuit Mapping 3227
Ugo Basile 1236
UID Identification Solutions 1214
Ulysses Neuroscience Ltd. 524
Unisense 2812
US Army Medical Recruiting 3305
USA Scientific 617
UT Southwestern - Peter O'Donnell Brain Institute 3217
Van Andel Institute 3207
VectorBuilder Inc. 519
Vivascope, Inc 1328
Vizgen 2009
VPixx Technologies 722
Vulintus, Inc. 2037
Waltham Data Science LLC 2326
Wearable Sensing 616
Wellcome Trust 3229
White Matter LLC 3037
Wiley 3138
World Precision Instruments 1804
Worthington Biochemical Corporation 2039
WuXi AppTec 403
Wyss Center for Bio and Neuroengineering 3225
Xona Microfluidics 300
Yale University's Wu Tsai Institute 3216
YNTOAB Co.,Ltd 2413
Yokogawa 3218
Zaber Technologies 2610
Zantiks 439
Zeto, Inc. 2430
Zymo Research Corp. 2323